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Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't been around much the last few days - I've had a bug that has knocked me out pretty significantly. I'm on the mend now, but it means I wasn't able to make a midweek mammary for you this week.

I lament leaving you boob-biggening-less throughout your workweek, so I've included a second preview of Belle's VO that will be in the next version of The Pill I'm hoping to launch later this month.

Hope you enjoy! And now I'm going to crawl back to the sweet embrace of my doona. 



excited to see voices implemented, also hyped for the rest of trish's endings...


Can’t wait to see the end product


Hope you're feeling better man!


Thanks TMK, turned out that the bug wasn't done with me just yet and took me out over the weekend proper. Feeling better now though!


Having voice definitely adds a new element, and Mooni has done an amazing job as well. Trish's next lot of endings will be my next focus after this version is launched ;)


Shouldn't be *too* long now. I've implemented all the voices into the game and have just got Mooni working on some line re-records but after that it should just be debugging. (I'm also moving to a newer version of the game engine that may or may not cause grief).


Wow! This is super hot!