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  • TheWell.mp4
  • TheWellNaked.mp4



 It was a regular Monday at the office. Jenny stared at the assorted files and folders. She had been asked to find the Jared Lebowski-Brown file, her 20th menial task of the day. "Would that be under J, L or B" she wondered.

Not for the first time she contemplated why she took this job in the first place when her deadbeat boyfriend would just be sitting at home playing video games.

"Why did I hook up with him again"? She thought. "Oh yeah. The cock." That "I don't know how to use this well but at this size what does it even matter" cock.

Thinking about that cock Jenny felt a buzz in her downstairs areas. "Will have to do something about that tonight..." she thought to herself, but trailed off as the normally momentary buzz in her womanhood didn't seem to dissipate, but instead was growing with intensity.

Trying to ignore it, she reached for a folder marked "Accounts L-P" only to find the humming sensation move its way up her torso and begin throbbing in her chest area.

Startled, she drew back, only to see her normally petite bosom now clearly pushing the confines of her top.

As she looked on in shock and awe, memories of a strange wishing well, of her boyfriend throwing in a coin with a mischievous grin and adamantly refusing to tell her his wish, rise to the surface.


Howdy hey, my fine folk!

For this week's instalment of "Urgh! How is it not Friday yet?!" We have a fleshing out of a moment that was originally off-screen in this 2017 Sweater Stretcher Reward. (The contents was suggested by TheMartianKing, so a shout out for the idea!


A nude version has been requested, and while it doesn't fit the story one iota, I can't argue with a good old naked BE. ;) 

You can find it attached!




Nude version when? XD


I fucking love it they are huge


We REALLY need to get you better video cards to make these huge...er bigger...I mean enormous...longer, I mean longer videos. :-) Then we need to get you a VR headset. ;-)


I know right? By the end they're like 50% of her body weight. A good ratio by any estimates.


I actually already have a VR headset (vive) - I'm an early adopter for that sort of thing. Had to shelve it when my daughter arrived, but am itching to get back into it. Interestingly I was actually looking at the prospect of doing 360 VR today and what it would take. My take is that it's not easy, but *maybe* doable... More research to come!


She looks so good that for moment i thought its new character for The Pill


Thanks, Exinus - Not a new character per se, but I'll keep this type of girl in mind ;)


Thanks for the shout out man! My GAWD did it ever turn out amazing! Better than I could ever have wished for! And popular enough to have a nude version get thrown into the wondrous mix! I love it! Part of me hopes that my fellow patrons went back to the original image after seeing this and realized that this may be the prequel... but you also penned a damn fine lead in to the sequel!


Well one story deserves another. ;) Thanks for the idea to flesh out the story!