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  • TheExperiment.mp4



Ha har! I got it done just in time! :D

This reward is coming in at the last minute for two reasons - one is the time I spent on The Pill this month, and the second is that it's my most ambitious (and longest) animation yet.

The nefarious doctor from Tested is back, doing what he does best. This time he's partnering up with a participant who's faith in their invention outweighs their collective engineering ability in a fully audio'd clip!

You can find the vid attached - and a massive thanks to everyone who was a patron in the month of August! :D



Blake Isaac Gordon

I think my favorite part of this animated short is the nods given by the young lady and her scientist friend. Then when things go wrong the guy does a classic SIMS OMG crouching gesture, like my cookies are burning.

Blake Isaac Gordon

(Seriously if things like this could happen in the SIMS then I would definitely play that game)

elle marr

this is stellar, lmfao. silky-smooth animation and very natural gesturing! wonder how she felt about having to be strapped into that thing 😂


LOL I hadn't thought of it but that is totally a Sims reaction. Guess it's the same thing of trying to convey emotions without a voice. Overacting for the win ^_^


Cheers, Elle glad you liked it. I'm sure she was okay being strapped in... anything for science! Well, almost anything.