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  • FunPark.mp4



She posed in front of the fun house mirror, marvelling at the distorted reflection that looked back at her. She pulled a pose that made her look like a comically busty stripper. Then another that made her so bootylicious it would put a Kardashian to shame. She was even able to angle herself in such a way that it made her look over seven feet tall!

It was such a delight shaping and warping her body that she did not notice the mirror doing some warping of its own. As she bent and moved so too did it. After a few minutes she did notice something odd though - although still reflecting an outrageously distorted image of her, the mirror appeared to be reflecting the rest of the room perfectly normally...


Hope you all enjoyed it! I've attached a higher res GIF with the story embedded so you can download and view it at your leisure, as well as a full res video of it in all its glory.

Thank you to all the wonderful Sweater Stretchers out there for being patrons throughout October!



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