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Hey all, I've been a bit sparse about the details of this month's game reward, specifically because there are a lot of moving pieces and I wasn't positive that I would actually be able to do what I had envisioned. Luckily after weeks of testing and prototyping I've got a lot of the basics down and now we're deep into production I feel confident to reveal (or at least tease) it!

So as people who have played The Pill may garner, this game takes place directly after the events in Chapter 5. If you haven't played it, don't worry too hard, the story here is pretty standalone*.

Bountiful Harvest is a Ren'Py built farming / life sim. You grow plants that you can sell to grow your production, or eat to grow... well you see where this is going. There's a town with people to chat to, places to work at and little easter eggs littered throughout.

It's an ambitious project, and this month I'm really just getting the core elements in place, but I'm excited to see what you guys think of a more 'game' style game.

Current hope is still to get it out later this month, but frankly Lady Grove, myself and our kid have all been struck with the nastiest bug I've had in as long as I can remember (including two bouts with covid) and it has been alternatingly knocking each of us around.

So I'm keeping my head down, fingers crossed and will let you all know how things go!

*If anyone was wondering about the status of the original The Pill, we're currently looking to get it converted into Ren'Py, and will use that opportunity to add voice to the remaining few chapters. If you happen to be familiar with Ren'Py (or know someone who is) and are keen to make a solid bit of cash let us know.


Bountiful Harvest Tease

Bountiful Harvest Tease



Very cool. Other than BE what other themes can we expect to be part of this game?


For this version we have butt expansion and height growth. But the basic mechanics are in there for pretty much anything in the future.

Bean Burrito

So excited for another game! Get well soon!

Lady Grove

Thank you everyone for your kind words ❤️️. BE Grove isn't wrong, this one is nasty and its taken us all down hard. Hopefully our doctor will be able to give us some answers and a treatment to speed this healing process up.