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This months mini scene: 2 females having fun with a machine. You can swap them via an appearance menu shown in the pictures, where you also have options for clothing and body morphs. Enjoy

1. Link for all videos
2. Pictures of the scene
3. How to download / update dependencies and play my scene
4. Updates and fixes
5. Previous scenes and postings

1. All videos will be here. I'm late because I changed to dropbox

Let me know if you have problems with the link. This is the first time I'm using dropbox.

2. Pictures of the scene

3. How to download / update dependencies and play my scene

4. Updates and fixes

24 November 2023

  • Fixed an issue with textures creating an error log and sometimes not loading

I'll make small changes and additions early next week after I'm done with the next scene. New scene is a bit complex and ruquired more work this month.

5. Previous scenes and postings

You have 6 days left to vote for the next scenes.




Thank you for supporting
