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''The Last Dick'' scene has our belowed Ellie,

a mini story with Zombies, 7 animations in Pov and Camride modes.

It's professionally voiced by @Delalicious3 on Twitter.

-You can make slight changes to the default appearances.

-Select story modes or loop modes.

-Select your prefered cam mode (camride or POV)

-On the right side you have scene options


Video Link



7 July 2023 1.1

New scale adjust menu

It's not perfect but a step in the right direction.

When clicking the ''Adjust Scale'' button, a menu appears and persons will be posed infront of a scale image where you can check for genital and mouth alignments.
In this menu you can scale your changed appearances according to lines for vagina opening, penis base and female mouth.

I wanted to add this a long time ago but never figured out how it would be best. This is at least a start.
Please give me feedback on this to improve across my other scenes


-Glance plugin to latest

-Fluid plugin to latest

-Other minor adjustments to animation and buttons.

Next update will be a new pose animation coming mid-end this month.


15 July 2023 1.3

New content, lots of fixes and additions.

This is a long list. I fixed many stuff and added a lot to the scene.

Most of it was initially planned but I couldn't get it done before release.

-Added one new pose for Patrons

-Moved one premium scene to the FREE section :)

-Added ''Animation Speed'' slider in case the animations feels slow or fast depending on your VAM settings

-Added button to enable/disable grass

-Added slider for sky light intensity in case the scene is too dark for you

-Depth of Field now only turns on when scene starts

-Changes to pubic hair for both persons. They look more natural now. Well, in the Zombie apocalypse, you got no time to shave down there much I guess :)

-Made changes to the ''SCALING'' pose

a)You can now see the Penis lenght you need for your appearance

b)Removed the 2D picture. Instead you have now only text overlaying your look for better visibilty

In the next scene I'm aiming to implement slider buttons for genitals and breasts.

-Added more trees

-Added fog to the scene (With toggle to enable/disable)

-Added more grass to the scene (With toggle to enable/disable)

-Moved the scale pose to end. Because it was causing the animation not to play

-Sped up TRANSITION animations because they felt slow compared to sex animations

-Changes to transition animations because some of Ellie's head movements looked weird

-Udapted Timeline to latest

-Updated VamOverlays to latest

-Updated Post Magic to latest

-Removed an unnecessary subscene atom

02 Ausgust 2023 1.4

Extended 4 animations by roughly 1 minute per pose.  Adding up to 4 minutes of content for non-looped animations. Will update the last 3 animations after I'm done with the current scene too.

04 August 2023 1.5 Final update for this scene

-Extended animations;

5 by 70 seconds

6 by 70 seconds

Left animation 7 as it is because it's looped anyway.

-Made some CUA's hidden to prevent accidentally moving them around and messing with the scene

-Made the lamp darker, it was too bright in cowgirl position

-Changes to animation 6 to prevent Ellie's right hand to mess up her legs

-Added toggle to disable vignette for VR users

-Added toggle to disable half of the trees for better performance

I hope you enjoy. Part 2 with Dina is coming


Ellie @Androinz

Look: https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/ellie.4434/

Backpack @enoeht


Boots @jasik


Zombie Person @Blaspheratus

Look: https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/zombie.35842/

Zombie CUA @SuperSamoth


Penis Drip @Crimeless


Trees @Matt Richard


Rocks & Grass @hazmhox


Car @PetaZwega


Map Asset @enoeht



VamStory: https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/vamstory.28256/

Fluids: https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/fluids-101.8209/

Overlays: https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/vamoverlays.2438/

Moan: https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/vammoan.3134/

Rocks and Plants: https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/rocks-and-plants-101-v1.2781/

@Acid Bubbles

Timeline: https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/timeline.94/

Embody: https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/embody.6513/

Glance: https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/glance-realistic-head-driven-eye-motion.5461/


Post Magic: https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/postmagic.161/



Nicholas Pratl

The absolute best! Just wish doggy anal was there too but man i love this one!


Thank you. Doggy anal is coming for patrons. I couldn't finish it before release but I'll add it till weekend.


Amazing scene, really, well done! The gun is missing for me and I don't see it in your prereqs list. Update: Nevermind, found it on the hub via the dependencies list there for the free version.


Thank you. I only write the ND and SA licensed dependencies for credit purposes. Checking for missing dependencies should download everything. Glad you liked the scene :)


Interesting Story, quality Animations - only Androinz Ellie model is hard to adapt to, if you try to stay close to VaM Default with your custom models, like I do. So the scale adjustment option is a good idea, IMO. Fun fact: Spent an hour today slapping together a (crude) DIY scale adjuster ... ;) I'd welcome it if you made smth like this a regular feature.


Thank you. Originally this scene had another model but I liked this one more because of the skin details. They looked so good under the lightning rig, that I replaced her. The current scale menu is a lot better than this one. I worked a bit more on it today. And yes it will be the norm for all my scenes. I hope it helps with the pop out issues


Gosh man.. you and petazwega are the most talented, creative and best creators. I look forward to each scene you make! Keep it up


Thanks a lot for the nice words. I’m hearing a lot about Petazwega going to look them up now :)


Ok, so scale adjuster didn't work out of the box for me - more specifically, the "Return" button didn't work for me. Also, I'd personally use LFE's heightmeasureplugin instead of a pic - you can superimpose two different measurements: Clear all plugins, load the Heifhtmeasure plugin, open the "manual guides" button, select the characters UID (name), then select the empty field again. Then save a plugin preset. Now you can mergeload that preset onto the characer in the scene and you'll get two sets of measurements superimposed: Current measurements in green, Ellie's measurements in yellow. Measurements are vastly more detailed, and you don't have the "parallax problem" (ie that there may be an offset if you're not looking exactly straight onto the pic). I'd think that'd be a better fit for models like Ellie - she's not just shorter than default, her proportions are also off (upperbody longer, legs shorter etcetc), requiring some more detailed adjustments than just the simple scale rider.

Sam Fisher

Wonderfull scene, I like the atmosphere. Maybe a bit too slow during combat phase. I love there are voices ! Thanks a lot !!


Thank you so much. The next update will make the combat animations a lot faster. I just need to finish the extra pose before I update it.


I love it,i want to see more scenes like this.