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  • Domina Part 1 Trailer-1.mp4



Watch the attached trailer

A short story. An innocent girl is making herself ready for her wedding night and is getting help from a Domina

Main scene has 8 poses.

Patrons have additional 3 more poses

Easy to use menu even for newcomers to VAM

Get all dependencies from here: https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/domina-part-1-domina-and-her-man-having-threesome-with-a-girl.23875/dependencies




-Change the lightning by adding the preset from my latest scene

-Changed Domina's skin and settings for better light and shadows

-Changed the girls skin and settings for better light and shadows


-Sped up some animations because it felt too long before the real action started


-Added eye shadow to the domina


-Updated the Timeline plugin to the latest one

-Added VAMOverlays. Now Timeline uses VAMOverlays instead of lights to blackout the scene for transitions

Buttons / Accessibility

-Now you can select the pose you want to start from. Don't need to watch the whole scene when replaying

-All buttons will disappear when animation starts. Only when in POV or Camera mode. Free-Cam still has buttons.

-Added button to hide-unhide buttons manually

-Addet slider for ''lens dirt'' (Better without in VR)

This is the final update unless I broke something or there comes a major Timeline update by Acidbubble



skynet creations

you make the best scenes i have seen expressions everything is in it just like a porn video where you can join in for the ride. freaking awesome. dont know what it will take but a 3some scene whit some shower action like in the movie knock knock whit keanu reeves. whit your quality that would be the shit


Firstly thank you. Wait I didn't even know there is a movie by Keanu named knock knock. Going to check it tomorrow. Thanks for the suggestion. I like making threesome scenes and if that movie gives me inspiration I'm all in :)

Sam Fisher

I totally agree, You've got a huge talent to create realistic expressions.

Browse Man

Hi Ispinox, is there any way to turn off the environment outside the room? My PC keeps crashing during the scene because of lack of memory and I suspect it's because of that.


Do you mean the background? If yes, you can disable it in your VAM menu under “scene lightning” then uncheck “show skybox” If you mean the other rooms, then no. All other rooms are part of one map.


Hey man. I've downloaded this scene but i have some bugs. One of them is: as soon as i click on the patreon scenes the menu disapears compleatly. Do you know how to solve this ?


Hello. The patreon scenes are in another room. The menu moves with them. It’s in the bedroom.


Ah ^^ ok that makes sense XD thank you


When I start, I have to disable postmagic, otherwise I get double vision. I'm telling you this in case it has anything to do with the problem of changing looks. When I change the character appearance, the new look becomes completely misaligned and is like 2 feet away on the z-axis. Any way to stop that from happening? Every time the characters switch positions, I have to realign it and if I'm not fast enough, it becomes impossible due to high end physics cause the characters to collide into each. I know this is not your problem and the scene play great with the default looks, but any suggestions are greatly appreciated.


About the double vision issue, does the model you import has any kind of post magic plugins. I'll look into it today before I upload an update because I swapped to a new model and made some changes to the animation The alignnment problems are most likely because the models height is 0.900. Can you try to make your own model height to 0.900 before you import them.


The double vision happens the moment the scene loads before I make any changes. I only know what the problem is because I've experienced it on other peoples scenes before and they told me to disable it. I don't think the model size is the issue either because I'm not talking about a slight misalignment due to size, when I load a different look using the "change appearance preset" I have to move the character like +2 whole units on the z-axis. This isn't such a big deal, but every time the characters switch positions they become misaligned. Your model works fine though, it's just weird if I load a different appearance that she suddenly teleports like 2 feet away. I don't know anything about building scenes in VAM, but just thought I'd share my issues in case other people are experiencing it. Regardless, this is a great scene and I like all the interactions you've included between the models. When other people do threesomes, it's normally just bland and basic animations moving back and forth. Your scenes do an excellent job of paying attention to those little details and having the characters push, grab, and pull each other. Very cool stuff.


Thank you. Glad you're liking the scene. I set anti aliasing to default OFF. Seems like that's causing double vision for VR users. I also changed the model because the old one had some missing dependencies on the HUB. I don't know if that would fix your issue. On my other PC with a fresh VAM installation where I test my scenes, I had no issues replacing the model with random looks. I hope you enjoy the scene the way you want


Love the femdom stuff! :)


I should probably say, that both me and my GF, as well as some of our other kinky VR friends tend to use embody on the sub ladies in your scenes. Not that I think you’d care enough to take this an account when creating them, but I thought it be interesting for you to know none the less. We absolutely love your stuff! 😍


Glad you're all enjoying the scenes :D I thought about optimizing the scenes for both POVs already but that would take more time to animate. Like when you watch it from the Male/Futa POV you see the female moving her head around and going throu face expressions when she's aroused or in pain. Now when you watch that from the Female POV, that would make people with weak VR legs... puke :D That's why the Male model has no head movements. But maybe in the near future I can do that. Maybe animating a different animation for people who click the ''PLAY FEMALE POV'' button. It looks like if this Patreon grows at this rate, I will be able to invest more time in VAM. Again thank you. I really like the Femdom stuff too and our Domina has just begun with her journey ;)


Did you ever find a solution to the misalignment issue? I just downloaded this scene today and I have the same problem when I "change appearance preset." Suddenly they are very far away from each other.