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guys the video me and dread are making IS DONE!!! we will be uploading soon after we combine both of them, im not gonna lie mine came out really better than i was expecting dread also did an amazing job we both worked HARD on making them lol. dread made the year 3 trailer and I made the year one!!! and we simply combined them, so I'm really looking forward of you guys seeing our video!! I'm so proud of how mine came out dread also did amazing like I mentioned but mine is not gonna lie one of THE best videos I have ever made among my stuff of course not dread. and I'm really hyped on putting it on youtube for you guys to see!!! so along with that, I have updated my telltale bruce for the video I was making so I wanted to drop it out there just a small retextures options, so now you can have on the undercover outfit a black eye to look as cool as the batman 2022 trailer. and a shirtless no damage texture on the unarmored ped, and black pants on the shirtless and best part there all accs! so just switch the texture tab using menyoo and you should be good! don't forget you will need the original file in order to install this so grab them here- https://www.patreon.com/posts/bruce-alfred-1-2-50540725

The video will be out soon!

things you will need-https://www.patreon.com/posts/bruce-alfred-1-2-50540725

make sure to download it, won't work without it also mention that up there.

Part Of The Telltale Batman Set/The Batman Year One Set



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