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Alright, guys happy new year!!!! 2021 one is finally here!!! and guys for that i give you my small projects with the Darth knight the bvs batman set!!! and more? this was made from the original Affleck batman, made by Darth!!! check out is Patreon!!! get also superman from JL/BVS, there!!!

this is one of our big projects we are planning big and not gonna stop here so expect more, but for now, grab the batman set fight superman with every single kryptonite you've got and "save the world"!! 

note- this batman is not done yet im gonna add him 2 more things so expect updates soon plus sorry if some of the pictures are too dark.

Get superman and Affleck normal suit batman here- https://www.patreon.com/TheDarthKnight

Update changed the cape settings. wont go throw body anymore.



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