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👋, please suggest me some characters ideas u wanna see on next week sketch. (I will only be able to choose randomly one per week 🙏)

👋,请向我推荐一些你想在下周草图中看到的角色想法。 (我每周只能随机选择一个🙏)



Since you’re already doing Chaor, what about doing another Chaotic character like Maxxor, Mudeenu, or Phelphor? I know it’s multiple guys and it can be changed to one later, but I don’t think the rest of the Chaotic creatures cast gets enough love. Which is something I would love to see that changed. I can supply any pictures if my option gets chosen. Thanks for the opportunity.

randka lee

dai'gui from jackie chan adventures.


Chaotic art is rare, in a future i would like to draw Mudeenu or other creature.