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The last sketch I gotta complete to get the keychains home is almost done 😭 

Because I know some of you are interested in my stylized art I’m gonna share a few tips on how I got where I’m at 💜 ( please notice I’m no expert in this field I have tried 50000 ways of stylizing my art and only now I feel like I’m in a place I like it and this is only my personal experience )

- it will be hard for you to bent reality to your liking if you don’t understand it 

when I started practicing I tried stylized art first because it seemed “easier” then realism, and I figured out really fast it was even harder for me 😂 because I didn’t know anatomy my drawings ended up looking like “aliens” with unbalanced proportions. So my advice here is go from real to stylize: all my keychains start with a regular realistic sketch like my other paintings 💜 after my sketch has perfect proportions I start bending it, adjusting eyes, sharpening edges etc 👀

- there’s never enough failed attempts 

if I pick up the black swan designs, the dynamite ones and the last ones they look like they were made by different persons 🕯 truth is your ”style“ it’s not something you decide one day and it sticks, it’s a discovery journey 💜

look up your favorite artists and take note of what you like about each: the sharp eyes, the “anime” shading, maybe the colors used or concepts they use etc

then try to incorporate what you like in your art ( please don’t straight up copy someone, adapt everything to yours personal touch 💆🏻‍♀️)

And practice is the key! Learn how to change the “I hate this, it looks ugly” to “didn’t turn out as I liked it but here’s what worked: the eye shape (for example). I’ll use it on my next try and it will be better ✨” 

I look forward in the future to do a tutorial on this matter, but I think the color will win this month so I hope this helped you a bit 💜 any questions you have comment bellow I’ll try to help as much as I can 👀



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