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The way I’m fighting this perspective is my worst enemy ☠️ Everytime I see the full nose base I know it’s gonna be a pain, but I also know I’m not running a race and the only way to overcome adversity is with extra time an persistency 💜

maybe I won’t be able to post this when i wanted but if I avoid the issue and paint this half assed just for the sake of posting then I’m missing out on a chance of self improvement. If I stay on my comfort zone every painting then I’m not improving, I’m not working to break boundaries or to overcome my “fears”.

Fear is what holds you back, and some fears we have are worth acknowledging and letting go 💜 Yes you can paint that, is it gonna be all easy and pretty? Hell no 😂 But you will allow yourself the time you need to give your best 💜

Mind is a strong tool when it’s used with balance, be gentle with yourself and take a deep breath, say it out loud “I can do it” and go for it 💜 

it’s late here I’ll go rest but I wanted to remind you that the way you talk about yourself has an heavy weight in how things develop for you 👀 That’s why you should never throw yourself to the canvas with a “I know I can’t draw, everything will go wrong because I have an art block“ mindset. You didn’t even start and you already set a barrier inside of you did you notice?

lets be kinder to ourselves and change that dialogue to “Its not gonna be easy but I’ll do my best and I’ll take my time to fix every technical problem one at a time” 🥺💜



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