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1. I start by laying down the main face shapes 💜 I search for angles mostly I don’t wanna make it pretty I wanna make sure the principal volumes are accurate

2. Lower the opacity of the base and work in a more detailed sketch

3. Base colours are placed and in this stage I set down my darkest value 🤙🏻 i block the shadows and from there on I keep in mind no other value will be as dark as the one I just placed and this helps me balance values.

4. I start blending and going over the sketch. 

More hues are added using mostly overlay layers 💜 in this case I went for a pink tone to cheeks to contrast with the blue and green  shades I picked for the light tones. Because his left eye is mostly covered by hair I duplicated the right one (that was already rendered 😂) and flipped it. Using liquify I shaped it to the shape I wanted and blended over. This saved me a bit of time 👏🏼

5. Noticed my drawing needed more brightness to make Tae Tae contrast more with background so I used a curves filter to manage my brightness level without loosing the darkest tones. More highlights were added as I rendered lips and hair too.

6. I wanted to add more gold to the piece by adding necklaces but too keep a more balanced composition I had to add more canvas on the bottom that’s why from here on has less zoom 😂

I also noticed ears were a bit off so I erased some layers on them to go back to a more basic stage and rework them.

chains were colored my setting there basic form first and blocking the transparency .

7. Light appointments and reflections on the chains were a bit hard for me to get but I marked all the light parts first and shadows after. I used mostly a soft brush for hair.

8. Final textures in skin and chains were placed and my favorite part: add tons of sparkles 🌟



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