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que mejor que en estas fechas atrapar un pokemon de evento jajajaja, bueno disculpenme asi me tiene acostumbrado Pokemon go jajajaja y por ser el primero pues tenia que escoger a la waifu mas repsentativa de todo pokemon jajaa, aunque he dicho muchas veces que no soy fan de ella, la verdad es que tampoco me desagrada en lo mas minimo, por eso es que ahora saben que se pueden repetirse algunas chicas, aunque no lo esperen con mucho frecuencia ya ue como siempre he dicho pokemon es tan basto como para centrarnos en uno solo jajajaj Saudos 


What better than on these dates to catch an event pokemon hahahaha, well excuse me that's how Pokemon go has accustomed me hahahaha and for being the first I had to choose the most representative waifu of all pokemon hahaha, although I have said many times that I am not a fan of her, the truth is that I don't dislike her in the least, that's why now they know that some girls can repeat themselves, although they don't expect it very often since as I have always said pokemon is so vast as to focus on one just hahaha cheers



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