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Quizas no sea muy conocido pero desde chico fue uno de los personajes que mas gustaba de ver, es parte de una serie llamada esqueletos guerreros y no podia esperar para ver un nuevo capitulo, ya que en mis tiempos la unica forma de verla era mediante los capitulos diarios que se transmitian en television, pero disfrutaba mucho de todos y cada una de sus apariciones, pues ya era hora de dibujarla y espero haber hecho justicia despues de tanto tiempo de haber estado en la fila de espera. Saludos

Perhaps he is not well known but since he was a child he was one of the characters that he liked to see the most, he is part of a series called warrior skeletons and he could not wait to see a new chapter, since in my time the only way to see it was through the daily chapters that were broadcast on television, but I really enjoyed each and every one of her appearances, because it was time to draw her and I hope I have done justice after being in the waiting line for so long. Cheers



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