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Sin duda alguna mi doll favorita, pese a que si soy algo fan de las muñecas de Bison casi no las dibujo ya que la insitencia constante y el fanatismo de mucha gente me arruinó por completo la experiencia y es muy molesto para mi, aun asi aveces me animo a hacerlo ya que formaron parte importante de mi recorrido por los videojuegos, y jugar con ellas era placentero en mas de una forma. para mi su historia y todo el contenido que le han agregado en los ultimos juegos acerca de estos personajes arruino por completo todo lo que significaban para mi y deje de tenerles tanto aprecio, pero como he decidio que los esos juegos jamas pasaron por lo menos a July y Juny siempre seran LAS DOLLS y siempre tendran mi interes y las recordare como cuando jugaba con ellas aya por los Street Fighter alpha 3. 

Without a doubt my favorite doll, even though if I'm a fan of Bison's dolls I almost don't draw them since the constant insistence and fanaticism of many people completely ruined my experience and it's very annoying for me, even so sometimes I am encouraged to do so since they were an important part of my journey through video games, and playing with them was pleasant in more ways than one. for me his story and all the content that they have added in the last games about these characters completely ruined everything they meant to me and I stopped having so much appreciation for them, but since I have decided that those games never happened at least to July and Juny will always be THE DOLLS and they will always have my interest and I will remember them like when I played with them there for the Street Fighter alpha 3.

Atte. Sigfried028



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