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The game DOES USE/APPLY Playstation and PC HDR Calibration app settings. (after patch 1.18)

The game now supports and (partially) applies Playstation HDR Calibration app settings and has a good but cumbersome HDR implementation.

Peak HDR Luminance can go up to 4.000 nits but correctly setup the game for your TV is more difficult than it should.

The game has three HDR sliders, all inter-dependent in order to achieve the desired Peak HDR Brightness:

  • Highlights: the one that actually controls Peak HDR Luminance (but not in nits);
  • Brightness: adjusts overall exposure and UI Brightness, but can also affect Peak HDR Luminance;
  • Shadows: adjusts the black levels and shadow details.

The reference image doesn't represent how the game will actually look during gameplay (this will be more bright compared to what you see there).

In all cases, the easiest way to correctly setup the game is:

  • Set Brightness slider to 0
  • Set Shadows slider to 0


  • Set Highlights slider to +10/Max: this won't correspond to a specific value in nits like all other games, but it will only translate to "how much the highlights should match the system-level HDR Calibration app Peak value?" where +10/Max = 100% (so if you have set the system to 4.000 nits it will be 4.000 nits, 800 nits = 800 nits, 1.500 nits = 1.500 nits etc.) while if you lower the slider from there it will progressively dim it (but why you should want that? :/ )

Enjoy :)




Hi p40l0 - 10 clicks on the highlights is the max you can go, right?


Hi, do you think it's still valid after all the patches please ?


Patch 1.18 changed things related HDR now. See the updated post for the new optimized settings.