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My games are split up between a bunch of different posts right now. I think it's a good time to consolidate everything into one place. I'm not going to touch Runaway, yet, because that update is coming very shortly.

Goodnight Kiss 2 v.7.1

GNK2 is an open world visual novel where you control a man falling into temptation. There are many women out there tempting you, from the young coeds lodging in your house, to their friends from university, the nice girl from the church and a few others. Will you give in, or will you hold back? Where would the fun be in that?

Power of Confidence v1.12

PoC is an open world visual novel where you control a man who has discovered the ultimate power to bend women to his will: The Power of Confidence. Corrupt your roommates, corrupt your high school crush, corrupt the nun at the local church and her succubus friend. Bend all the women in town to your will. But watch out, there's a secret conspiracy seeking to end sexual pleasure FOREVER, and, well, unfortunately you're the chosen one who can stop it. Oopsie.

Goodnight Kiss HD v1.1

GNK is an open world visual novel where you control a man who's taboo desires have been reawakened. Can he control himself? Or will he become consumed in trying to seduce the whole town?



Links for GNKHD are the same links for GNK2