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Hey perverts and pervettes, Alec here.

After beating on the test build with a lead pipe it's reasonably bug free. I've beefed up the scheduling system to make a little more sense credulity-wise. I've also added in a cheat menu that will be available to $10 patrons. I am currently in the process of integrating one more scene into the test build and I want to send it out by the weekend.

I wanted to talk for a moment about what my plans are for the next version. The major things that are likely to introduce bugs were already in the test build. Now I'm plugging away on yet more renders (probably at around 90 or so of ~120 planned for the new version), implementing content and figuring out the balance.

.04 is going to set the stage for the next phase of development. It introduces all the characters I want to introduce and it will have some kind of adult scene with every one of them. These adult scenes range from watching their naughty web show to full on intercourse, but every character will have something. 

The plan is for every character to have their own little plot. Some are relatively simple, such as with Emily she's discovering her sexuality and you have to decide how much to take advantage of that. The actual events of that will be extremely granular, which scenes of some sort in nearly ever possible location. Other plots will be a little more complex. Your wife is cheating on you. How will you proceed? Shame her into an open relationship so she can't complain when you bang literally every other woman in town? Or do you play it like a big dumb ape and take back what is yours? Or perhaps you could take revenge and have your way with the other man's wife?

Most of these will be fairly linear. There will be really only one way to functionally play through Brenda, or Laurel or Miranda's stories. For Samantha there will be a definite Paragon/Renegade situation where you can either feed her naughtiness or teach her discipline. There's a major decision looming about two updates away with the wife subplot. And with Emily her story will remain largely linear, with the decision point being whether or not to give into your mutual desires.

With .04 the game is taking on the shape I've wanted from the beginning. There will be a diverse assortment of girls (well... ranging from petite to BBW) with an assortment of personalities (from MILD to WILD... I'm sorry.). Going forward I'll be able to focus on content. More content. More story. More branching paths. 

Future updates will be a little more focused. Emily, at least, will get a major scene every update, and I'll pick a couple of the other girls and progress their stories.

As for timing, I'm going to keep working toward a release for $5 patrons on the 20th. I'm still hopeful, though the timeline is tight. At around that time I want to update the Patreon page with a bunch of new content.

I'm gonna crawl back into the rendering mines. Rotate an arm 4% to disguise a clipping error and I'll see you on the other side.



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