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I’m hard at work on Live in Corruption. Previously I have said that I was working on a new dark fantasy thing. I'm keeping that on the backburner until I'm satisfied with LIC. This is gonna be the main thing I’ll work on for the month and it’ll get as much content as I can manage.

As far as content goes for this release I have a few things. First of all, I’m adding an anal quest line, where you slowly acclimatize Megan to the possibility of anal fun. In the process of this you will explore her body further, get her comfortable with new sensations.

I’m also gonna completely revamp the quest where Megan helps you with your business. I’m adding a new scene at the start of that to give it a slower ramp up, and moving the existing scenes in it around. If I finish everything else I plan on for this release, then I’ll add another scene as well.

I’m gonna just reset this quest for everyone, and there’s a new progression including new events.

You will likewise have a chance to improve your relationship with Susan.

Megan is getting two new costumes to wear during the day. The first one will be the dress she purchased at the mall during the course of the main story. There will also be a slightly naughtier goth outfit for her to wear. During dialog scenes Kevin and Susan may comment on her choice of outfits. I’m also trying to add a couple more locations in the world so there may be more NPC’s that react to this, but I’m not sure I’ll get to that in time for this release.

Along with this I’m adding in a new system where Megan will choose a day outfit from her existing wardrobe. For more lewd outfits this will depend on her stats. I plan on adding a new wardrobe item each release going forward. Some of them will be normal clothes, others will be sexier than her usual outfits and require higher Corruption stats. You will still be able to assign her a daily uniform.

Since this is kinda becoming one of my main ongoing games, I’m gonna do a small rebrand. Expect a new cover image. The name is gonna stay the same, I just want to give it it’s own public facing brand.

TLDR for LiC v1.3x


New Anal Quest (so far 3ish lewd scenes depending how you count them)

+2 new lewdish events with Susan

The part-time job quest is getting revamped and at least +1 new lewd scene

+2 new day outfits

+1 Megan lets Calvin read another of her erotica stories

New locations outside the house

Gonna try but no promises

+1 lewd event for the part-time job quest

+1 lewd event with Susan

+1 Megan sleepwear

New events at locations outside the house



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