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I change from 200$ to 260$ for 2 monthly pic

I'm sorry if this actually makes you sad that it'll be harder to reach 2 pic vote based ;-;

I made this patreon like 2 years ago (i think, i forgot when actually) and i charge less back then for my art, now that I grew overtime and value my time more, I think I want to get paid more.

I hope you guys understands that


Harmless Kitten

No worries, man. Your art is worth every penny.


All good, mate. I don't mind paying more for your content.


I actually upped my pledge to $10 before you announced this today because I just enjoy your art so much :)


WHOA DUDE THANKS! Thats like 2 guys pledging for 5 bucks! thank you soooo much man!! I'm happy that you choose to do that to me :)


Hey man, it's fine. I completely understand wanting to get paid what you think your time is worth.

Eddie Murphy

I feel like you deserve the extra money.