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Hello everyone, Corintio here!

After barely sleeping for the last 24 hours trying to patch the game, Henri and I managed to debug and find out what the issue was and fix it!

We didn't have to remove Vulkan support, as we said we would.

Now I'm extremely burned out, so I won't add screenshots to the post today.


  • You no longer need to reload the game to get Laver's door to become intractable.
  • We are finally, and 100% sure, that we managed to fix a crash when pressing Space while piloting a floating camera on photo mode or toysystem scenes.
  • Fixed some UI bugs that were causing more buttons than necessary to show on the toysytem;
  • Fixed telekinesis so if the player holds the TK button while moving forward, Kalyskah will always pull her enemies (as originally intended)


  • Transitions when entering\exiting toysystem;
  • Now when an actor climaxes, the system will force one of the climaxes poses to play and only leave the scene once it's finished;
  • More consistent speed change request display;
  • Improved the base female body textures;
  • Kalysakh's texture was also improved, but not the vampire version yet (It's done, I just didn't have time to import it to the engine. It will be on the next release)
  • Merged the Gallery and the Gameplay toysystem widgets and AI! It required us to rebuild a lot of what happened behind the curtains. Hopefully, this should fix some memory leaks the toysystem was causing.
  • Rebuild how we apply Skins to NPCs, preparing things for the new NPC maker. Some characters should have skins that differ from the others, although we still needed more time to spread the new skins across too many characters.
  • General enhancements on the way we handled events on quests to avoid memory leaks;
  • Improved UI when tendency changes:  The Ui should now correctly display when several tendency stats change simultaneously instead of only the last one. I also changed the font of the popout window to match the rest of the game's fonts;
  • Akrasiel has a new face and body texture\shape;
  • Slightly improvement in the corners of Kalyskah's and Galena's armour;
  • Made a small intro cutscene for when Kaly goes to speak with Alvina for the first time;
  • Kaly will no longer look at her servants when they greet her (That wasn't fitting her personality in the prologue);


  • The remake of the first dungeon of the legacy demo is almost completely blocked out. You can explore it a bit now, but so far, there's nothing to do on it, nor items to be found. This will be expanded as the development goes;
  • New dialogue with Captain Farley, with a small quest where you can use telekinesis to help him to add some crates to his boat;
  • New Dialogue with Michael the Wise;
  • Two new paintings of Kalyskah were added to the walls of the temple;


If you are not a patron, you can download the public demo by following this LINK. But we recommend you to get it through the itch app since it will auto-update the game when you have a new version to download.

Follow these instructions if you are a patron, you can download the game following these instructions:

NEONATE, VAMPIRE and ROYAL BLOOD: Link your account HERE, and download the game HERE.

We offer mirrors to download through google drive instead of itch by default in our Subscribestar. But a patron can PM us to ask for the mirror if they have problems downloading on itch.

There's also a mirror for you to download it in Google Drive 




The good: finally some basic quests again. Good dialogue. Getting some nice info about the lore. The bad: Almost 2 minutes to get to the menu. FPS drops in the menu. After sleeping streamer mode gets activated and Kaly is wearing underwear despite being naked. In the lower lever if you lose contact with the ground everyone starts swimming. Alvina's frown looks weird. Lots of floating objects and people. Transitioning between poses still awkward sometimes. Red buttons sometimes trigger constantly after the first click. Some red buttons don't do anything (missionary pose).