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Hello everyone, Corintio here!

Today I want to show you the updates on the female body review that Davi has worked on this month. Once this change occurs, on the character customisation, you'll have a slider to choose how muscular Kalyskah will be—starting from the body shape on the left and going to the one on the right.

Notice that we also changed the base body to add more curves and improved anatomy in general. As you can see here, the one at the centre is the current body we have for Kalyskah, and at her left and right, you can see what will be the shape from lean to muscular.

Notice that the face you see on the two new bodies don't have the same textures Kalysakh's face (centre) has. That's because we are working first on the new faces for the generic NPCs to make them stop looking so much like Kalyskah. And these faces are not final yet.

I hope you enjoy the changes. At the top of this post, you can see the screenshots in a better resolution.




can you make bigger breast slider please and thank you