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Hello everyone!

I just wanted to give you a heads up that when I was about to post the newest update, I've made a playtest of all the current quests checking most of the paths and found 4 things that I need to fix before I release it because two are game-breaking:

  • When I change the Ai Behaviour, I forgot to add the necessary conditions to make the bandits harassing Averion next to Kelhold to ignore the player while Kalyskah is approaching if you save the game before intervening and then load it. So it's a situation on the save\load system that I'll need to fix before patching. 
  • If Kalyskah plays the Heirloom lost quest on the path where Boris or Traver will attack her, they are not being recognized as hostile actors yet, also, Friar is standing up and walking around the camp despite his entrails being falling from his belly.
  • The camera on the first-person mode can get very glitchy sometimes, so I'll need to improve it a bit more. If I can't solve it I'll just remove it for this version and release it when it's working properly.
  • Merishya is twisting her neck during some cutscenes and I don't understand why yet. Need to figure this out.

I'm trying my best to fix it and in the meanwhile... Remember that prettier UI for the main menu that I talked about here? So, it will already be on the game! Just the colour picker that will be on the next patch, but controlling the camera while customising Kalyskah will be way much easier =)

I'm sorry for delaying it again but since after this release I will work on bringing the cutscenes to the New Milhaven and on our new negotiation system. So I'm doing my best to release something more definitive that won't give a headache to any of you until we reach the next milestone.

Thanks for your patience!


