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Hello everyone, Corintio here!

This is one of those patches that seem to have a small changelog, but the truth is that it’s the result of two months of work (Or a bit more). I had to program some new mechanics on the way the game deal with Saved Games and Quests, also had to animate several new poses and cutscenes. Although they are not those fancy cinematics that we see on the big games, and that they are FAR from being perfect (Some of them are even with some weird rotations that I couldn’t fix in time), I must admit that I’m personally thriled with how they are coming along because it pushed me to learn some new tricks and animate on a speed that I’m not used to. This quest is not really big, but it’s being fun to develop it because we are required to work together as a team in a way that ideas flow from the brainstorm I have with Lily, then we talk with Luke, so he make the necessary adjustments on the level, I make calls with the voice actors to make sure that the characters are capturing the mood of the quest and so on. It is a simple quest, but it was, for sure, a really good way to test the whole team and to show you what are our plans for future quests that will have consequences based on your choices.

There will probably be a version 0.13.2b during this or next week since I noticed a few problems that I should address before calling version 0.13 ready to be wrapped up so we can move on to version 0.14.  But enough of my rambling here is the changelog:

Check the previous changelog on the test-branch in case you haven't played it yet. 

Version 0.13.2a:


  • Fixed collision on NPCs that was causing Kalyskah to be sent to outer space!
  • Fixed loot disappearing from chests in new games.
  • Fixed Kalyskah and NPCs freezing after bandits cutscene is done. Kalyskah will seem like she is finishing a jump when the cutscene (and a few dialogues) ends, but that’s another thing to be enhanced on version 0.13.2


  • Level Design: New area to explore – Burnt Camp; For now, there is nothing there to see, but we are already working on the mini-quest that will add context to that place on the lore. So stay tuned for updates =)
  • Level Design: New Quixel assets for forest, ruins, camps, walls, etc.
  • Snowy mountains are back!
  • Reduced the frequency day\night cycle is updated so it is lighter on performance.


  • You can now speak with Travert, Friar and Boris on the Heirloom Lost quest. Make sure to save the game on a separate slot because there are many outcomes possible for those dialogues. I’ll admit that not all the dialogue lines have animations yet, and there is a known issue that after you went through a whole branch of conversation, you can still talk with the others. I noticed that while testing the game but since I also noticed a few other issues (that are not game-breaking) I decided to release it anyway so I can release a 0.13.2b during this week with a few other improvements.
  • New animations: Missionary Choking, Lotus and a few new interactions. I won’t list them on this particular patch because they are not available on the gallery mode yet, but they will be when we release version 0.13.2b.
  • I'll probably review some parts and cameres of the new erotic scene to improve its quality, but that will wait for a few patches.

Known issues

  • Margaret and Harry seemed to be rotating awkwardly during the conversation while I was running my latest test.
  • Kalyskah's rotation is a bit off on a cutscene that triggers depending on your choices with Travert
  • You can always talk with Bandits, which will be fixed later when I add a few conditions
  • After the cutscene where you meet the bandits, Friar won't be on the ground unless you re-load the game. But if you interact with him he will go back to normal.
  • I didn't have the chance to test Boris' shop on all the different possible outcomes, so let me know if something is not working.
  • You can't go back to Margaret and Harry to deliver the quest yet.


If you are not a patron, you can download the public demo by following this LINK. But we recommend you to get it through the itch app since it will auto-update the game when you have a new version to download.

Follow these instructions if you are a Neonate+ patron, you can download it through these links.

  • First, you need to create an account on itch.io.
  • NEONATE: Link your account HERE, and download the game HERE.
  • VAMPIRE: Link your account HERE, and download the game HERE.
  • ROYAL BLOOD: Link your account HERE, and download the game HERE.

Bonus: I liked this render I did of Kalyskah on the blue background and it became my desktop background too. So I'm posting it here in case anyone also liked it!
