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Hello everyone, Adolfo here! (aka. Corintio!) 

I recently posted about an online lecture I was going to give to some students here in Brazil and if you did not get the chance to watch it then, the video is here!

(Unfortunately, my face is not being shown at the side... you would be able to see how I gesticulate like a crazy person when I'm speaking!)

Since I was talking to Brazilian students, I spoke in Portuguese, and unfortunately, I don't even know how to make subtitles!

But if you are a Portuguese speaker, on this video I talked about the team, how we came together. What I work with every day and also, how I dealt with one of the things that got me completely crazy at the beginning of the project: The timezone difference between all the members of the team, that are scattered all across the globe.

ps. I put the video where I actually start talking, but if you jump backwards you might be able to see my fabulous hair.


Palestra - Jogo Kalyskah e minha experiência como desenvolver indie no mercado internacional.

Olá! Sou Adolfo Domingues (Também conhecido como Corintio) o Game Designer do jogo Kalyskah. Fui convidado por renato Medeiros para falar sobre o jogo Kalyskah no evento online da Escola de Tecnologia de Informação no curso Jogos Digitais do IBMR. Ao longo da palestra falo um pouco sobre minha tagetória, a equipe, sobre como lidei com as diferenças de fuso horário e também lições valiosas que aprendi tanto no mercado como quanto com meus fantásticos professores da PUC Minas. Like our Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/kalyskah Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Kalyskah The level design is a partnership between our team and the very talented people from Tiny Talisman https://www.tinytalismangames.com/ Support us on Patreon or Subscribestar https://www.patreon.com/lustfulillumination https://subscribestar.adult/kalyskah-team Join our Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/cQfgRfN The soundtrack of the trailer and game was made by Zerathiel: https://soundcloud.com/user-147505069 And by Maura ten Hoopen: https://twitter.com/mauratenhoopen https://www.instagram.com/mauramelodies/


Lee Thompson

I can add subtitles if I have a translation