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 Hello everyone, Corintio here!

Today with a patch in which the main focus was to make polishments on parts of the game that were bothering for a while but we never had the time to co back to them and fix =)

This patch today will be released to the Royal-Blood tier patrons, at the end of the month we will make another release for the Vampire-tier patrons where will have both this changes and a few more improvements, but more on the storytelling side of the game. I hope you enjoy it!

Changelog Version 0.12.1 - 16/07/2020


  • When Kalyskah avoids the courtesan questline she will tell Bouchard that he was “predictable”. He was reacting to that line but she wasn’t saying it before. 
  • Fixed armour and damage amount display on the character inventory interface. This made Kalyskah’s damage output smaller, but that’s how it was supposed to be in the first place.
  • Fixed Kalyskah health resetting to 70% every time she was leaving a dialogue.
  • Fixed all the dialogues that were not being controlled by the “Voice” volume on the main menu. Let me know if we left anything behind.
  • Fixed "flickering neckline" problem on the character's texture.


  • Added Kalyskah voice on the dialogue with Silas, and also started to adjust the camera. Kalyskah won’t have lipsync yet because I need to make some fine tunes before doing it.
  • Improvements on how Kalyskah recognizes that she is under a shadow to avoid taking sunlight damage. The leaves at the new area don’t have collision yet though, which means that to avoid sunlight damage there you should stay at the shadow cast by the trunks. But we’ll improve it in time.
  • Starting to improve the scene where Kalyskah meets James outside of the dungeon. It’s not done yet, but it will be at the end of the month. 
  • Removed the sound when Kalyskah hits something she can’t harm. So there won’t be metal sounds when you hit a friendly NPC anymore.
  • Ai Improvement: Friendly NPCs will no longer attack someone that Kalyskah is drinking blood. 
  • Ai Improvement: Enemies will stop trying to reach the player if the player is too far and there is some ally hitting them. Merishya can’t take damage yet so this wasn’t a problem until we introduced the summoning. 
  • Gremnoch fight improvements – Part 1: When he reaches 50% of his health he wills tart to spawn bloodhounds. We removed that close-range attack that he was launching Kalyskah on the ground. This rendered him easier to be defeated, but on the next patch, we will make somethings to make him a little harder to kill. Suggestions are welcome!
  • Improvements on Gremnoch appearance: His eyes will glow in green when he has only half lifebar left, his eyes will glow in red and he will have some smoke effects around him.
  • Improvement Gremnoch and Death Hounds collisions. Kaly won’t get inside of them anymore.
  • Changing Kalyskah’s appearance on the main menu will now work when loading different save slots, not only the most recent one. 
  • Blood Bottles now have an icon and they won’t restore only Kalyskah’s health, but also her actual blood pool. 200 health and 50 blood points over 10 seconds (her maximum blood pool is 200). You can’t use the blood bottles if you are already under the effect of one. This should prevent wasting them.
  • Fixed item amount not being loaded properly. I noticed this error while working on the blood bottles. If you had 10 of them on your inventory, when you loaded the game you would have only 1.
  • Kalyskah won’t slide towards Merishya at the dungeon conversation anymore. She will actually walk.
  • Save games will now be displayed from the most recent to the oldest one, this will make your life a lot easier to find the most recent game you were playing when you 


  • Added a new weapon on Fara’s shop: Morningstar.
  • World Global Saving: The NPC positions will now be saved and also if whether they are alive or dead. This means that if you are playing the dungeon and decide to take a break, save and close the game when you load the undead you killed won’t be there anymore, and all the doors you unlocked or opened will be as you left them.
  • Kalyskah will now get a new power after defeating Gremmnoch: Summoning bloodhounds. They will stay around for 20 + (Sorcery x 3) seconds. And Kalyskah can summon two at once. They will consume 10 points of blood to be summoned.

Tough Choice:

  • My computer doesn’t have enough RAM to pack the game for Vulkan and DirectX, and the friend that was doing that for me won't be able to do it anymore. But I already have plans to buy a new PC in September, when a new processor is around, but until then, the game will need to go back to support only DirectX11 and DirecX12.


Royal Bloods: To get the game you should follow these steps:

If you are using Itch desktop app and already have access to the last Royal Blood patch, just click to update it. If you don't:



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