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Hello everyone, Corinto here!

Recently I had to reinstall my windows and ever since then, Unreal Engine is crashing every time I try to compile the shaders in Vulkan on the packing. Directx is working fine. I'm afraid we might need to remove Vulkan at least until Unreal 4.25.2 comes out or until I manage to fix or find a workaround for this problem. If I don't need to patch it with Vulkan, I can release the Royal Blood demo on the Weekend or Monday, with a lot of improvements on the save/load system and slight polishments on gameplay.

What do you think about we temporarily removing Vulkan? Is there anyone that can only play the game with Vulkan? Because if that's the case, I'll see if I can find a workaround, but unfortunately this might cost time that I could be working on new features.


Uthan The Perverse

Well, that's sad. Perhaps some bug in the engine?

Opticon Studios

Ensure your actual video card drivers are fully up-to-date and includes the Intel gpu driver if your using a Intel CPU. Use the latest valkan runtime and reinstall it. I've had a similar issue once and followed this post https://software.intel.com/content/www/us/en/develop/articles/how-to-install-vulkan-apis-for-ue4.html If you continue to have issue let me know. I am pretty good at system diagnostics


I actually remember reading this article before, when we started using vulkan. I'll try to follow the steps and see if it works again. Thanks! =D