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Hello everyone!

I thought I should make a post to let you know about the state of the newest patch. Basically, we have the features that we need for the first release of version 0.12 done. But I had a problem with my windows on the past week and had to reinstall it, this made me lose all the shaders I had compiled for the game, and I've been trying to recompile them for 3 or 4 days. I think I'm almost done with that and I'll try to make the newest release within the next 12 hours, if I can't, I'll see if Astutejoe can pack it on his PC and upload the latest version on Saturday.

If not even that work, I'm sure I'll have all the shaders compiled on Monday to make the latest patch.

Thank you very much for your patience and support!



I think all the same, do not worry. Try to complete all your work at your own pace. Take your time.

Opticon Studios

Windows! I feel your pain mate..