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Hello everyone, Corintio here!
Today with a... I don't know exactly how I feel about it. A few months ago someone came to us and asked if they could help with something for the project. I said: "Well, ok, we can see a price to pay for your trouble because I hate to feel like people are not earning for their work" and this person said "No need for payment, maybe just send me a key for the game?" and I said: "Sure, why not?"
But recently we found out that this person broke our trust and leaked a current patron build of the game using the very key I sent to them. I was naive, I admit, but now I'm feeling that I'm letting the neonate+ tier patrons down because this person leaked this patch on the same day that their build went live. Now I have a question: How should we proceed?
I can't pretend that this didn't happen, I feel like I own something for the neonates and we should talk about this to see what we can do this month to compensate you for the leak. One of my ideas was to make the space between the release for the vampire tier and the neonate tier shorter (We can't make it on the same day it goes live because it wouldn't be fair with the vampire and royal blood tier patrons), but the neonates will get the next update before the beginning of next month and this will make your pledge this month worth it! =)
I'm really sorry about that and please, let me know in the comments what you think.



This has happened with several Devs I support. I am not sure what you can do to stop it. Most of us understand these things happen. And Stay with the Dev.


I think this would be a good bit of advertising for the game. You could even push it out and say "Look here! A special, early sneak peak for my fans!"