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Hello everyone, 

Corintio here to show you the progress we are making on the immersion of being a vampire. Kaly will need to take care of her blood pool, because if she is visibly thirsty (With red eyes and pale skin) she will become vulnerable to sunlight and start to burn!!!

But we also made a way to track if she is under a shadow or totally exposed to the sun. This way she can seek shelter next to trees, rocks or behind buildings, have a look!

To make it simple, we ‘extend’ her collision capsule towards the sun, and if an object is on the way, that means that she is safe and sound under a shadow because well… that’s how shadows works!

So, walking in the woods or next to the buildings should be safe enough for her in case she needs to hunt in daylight =)

We are also reviewing the whole attribute system, but I’ll get into more details when it’s done… For now, I’ll just say that we will now have 6 attributes instead of three. And that them will influence directly many things, including how Kalyskah’s blood buff works.




damn dude. Thats pretty cool. looking better than what Bethesda has done recently.