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Hello everyone, Corintio here!

First of all I must thank for the support of every single patreon that we have and had through the years until now. Now we can finally hire talented people to make freelancers for us! And as we talk with some great Level Designers to do the surface world, we are also looking for someone that can model high quality hairs to our game.

The beautiful lady that you see in the picture is Amy Saville, she is the voice actress that plays Kalyskah on our game. She sent us some pictures and allowed us to use her face as reference, and I used the opportunity to ask her to comb her hair like Kalyskah's default hair.

Now we are looking for a freelancer that could model this hairstyle for us, if you are a freelancer or know someone that can help us (Considering an Indie Game budged) feel free to step forward and message us with your portfolio.

Thank you all again and we are looking forward to come here with more exciting news =)

More refferences:




Question. Couldn't you get the hair you wanted on Daz3d?


(Corintio) Daz3d hairs are often very heavy for games. And it's usual that they don't look as good as they look in daz renders once we put them on the engine. There is also the fact that we want to have something to call "ours". Kalyskah is the main character and it's important to make she look unique.


Wow... She is truly stunning!