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Hello everyone! 

The Lustfull Illumination team is very proud to announce the first release of our new Kalyskah RPG demo, after remaking everything from scratch!

We need to express our great, great gratitude to you all! Your pledges and your patience made this happen, and this is only the beginning. We don’t know if many of you know it, but Kalyskah was born back in 2014, when Corintio and Vergil had the first talk about the kind of game they wanted to do. The initial idea was way simpler: a 2d side-scroller game where you could play with a vampire or a witch. The vampire was Kalyskah and the witch was Evelyn. By that time, Corintio was in college and he had to distribute his time between animating, modelling and programming while Vergil had to split his time between his daytime job and working on all the particle effects, level and atmosphere design. We needed to expand the team, and after over a year failing on getting a programmer that could stick with us until the end, we finally found Rathren; a friend of Vergil's that helped him in the past with modding other games.

Rathren proved himself a very fast and amazing programmer, and the basic mechanics of the side-scroller were pretty much done. We already had some plegdes and had gathered a bit of money that allowed us to buy assets. We had an internal conversation about the future, and we saw that a linear side-scroller wouldn’t have too much replayability and target audience. That’s when we came up with the concept of the RPG game. For technical complexity and how much the game would scale, we had to cut Evelyn the protagonist and leave the game just as Kalyskah’s. We worked hard to make the basis of the RPG and make a release on December of 2016. That demo was a nice start, although it was a rough one too! It didn’t go the way we imagined it and it lacked a lot on quality. On January of 2017, we started to rebuild Kalyskah’s body. In doing so, we lost all the animations from the 2016’s demo. As the year went by, Corintio worked on remaking the animations and launching them as standalone demos while Rathren and Vergil worked on the levels and game mechanics. After a year fixing bugs, reshaping levels, reprogramming everything, looking for voice actors and redesigning the whole game, we finally gave birth to this demo. For now, it is modest, but will be the starting point of the Erotic RPG we always wanted to play.

Follow this link to read the changelogs! 


  • The basic controls can be read on the game's main menu.
  • If you sneak behind an enemy and attack him, Kalyskah will drink his blood. If you hold the attack button, she will keep drinking his blood until he dies or her stamina is drained out.
  • On the “Adult Scenes” menu, you can select some of the released animation demos to play. Press esc to go back to main menu.
  • The barrels are movable if you walk into them.

Known issues:

  • We don't recommend the use of the greatsword until we improve it's moveset.


Kalyskah Version 0.3.0

For more information: https://www.patreon.com/lustfulillumination



can your games be played on a mac?


Nice :) can't wait to try it :D edit: Well I tried to open it and got a fatal error crash on opening the exe file so I don't know what's wrong. nvm after a third time the game loaded ,but crashed again after the loading screen when I killed the golem/boss. btw it's kind of hard to control her when she moves so fast lol. Very well done with the game overall :) It's impressive.


Sorry, for the bugs. We will try to get rid of them in upcoming patches. But we finally wanted to show something to you guys so we did not wait much longer. We are very happy you like the game, thought :) (also about the crashs it never happend to me when testing. Do you have the latest video card driver? This might help :) )


hi, the game sometimes gives fatal error while fighting and I found that there no option for saving the progress,so each time when it crashes it starts from beginning any way to fix this?