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Hello everyone, Corintio here!

A checklist of the highlights of our work on the last weeks:
-Main menu with character appearance editor, where the player will be able to chose Kalyskah's hairstyle, breast size and pubic hair;
-Launcher!!!! Yes, the game will count with a launcher where players can download the latest version without needing to click on links or any other thing. In the future, the launcher will be linked with our patreon, so the patreons will get the latest updates while the free version remain one step behind (Like it's described on our Tiers);
-Kalyskah's voice is recorded on all the current dialogues;
-We now have 2 story writers;
-Changes on Kalyskah's face and textures;
-Improvements on the game HUD, but it's not the final version yet;
-The combat mechanics are ready to release;
-The player can find different weapons around the dungeon;
-There are 4 different clothes at the first dungeon, all of them already modeled and programmed;
-Improvements on the Camera Colision, so it doesn't go inside the walls as often as it was last month;
-Negotiation system placeholder is done. Kalyskah can "blow the enemy" in order to pacify him if she loses the combat (This feature is on the dungeon just to show what the player will be capable of in the future, because right now it doesn't have much context)
-Healing system using Blood Points and also changed the evasion. Instead of rolling Kalyskah will turn into a mist cloud.

Most important things that needs to be done before release:
-Thank you and credits screen;
-Add emotions and facial expressions on the dialogues
-Update the first dialogue of the game using the text that we already have, and also putting the audio that is already cut;
-Improve the first sex scene of the game, to add more actions and reactions to both player and James.

Thank you all and I hope you have a good day!






nice :) looks great.