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Carmen's got a new feature: some track marks on her shoulders. I wanted to make it more obvious that she's chewing through needles everyday, but I didn't want to make her gross or give her roid face...so she has some persistent light bruising from a half-dozen or so daily injections. Champions come from a syringe. ;)




She’s beautiful


Greatness requires 3 things: hard work, dedication, and the most advanced performance enhancing steroids that modern science can create


You too can be a champ. You just need to be able to take 1g of testosterone every week plus additional drugs for maintenance. Then, up the dose and add in more compounds for competitions. If you don't die, congrats! You might be able to compete! And then you'll see Lilly cruising around in the crowd and decide that you stand no chance ever. : P


Damn it really is obvious in the best way. All that insane mass that she's packed on is an absolute treat! UNNNNF! <3