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About a month after Lilly started lifting, it became obvious to Carmen that Lilly had godlike genetics and was gaining too fast for even a steroid user. Carmen decided to take Lilly to a bodybuilding show, where Lilly discovered that she had a "thing" for muscles. Lilly's mind turned to mush from overstimulation, but she managed to snag a goofy picture with one of the big guys at the show. She cringed at it at first, her pose made no sense and she looked like a creep in her mind, but she kept it for...reasons. Nearly 10 years later, Lilly is now "very" familiar with that bodybuilder, and she wanted to recreate her awkward photo...




Aww~♡ I'm not gonna lie this one tug at my heart strings for just how cute Lilly looks in the first image.


Cuteness, the thing I'm never going for with her, but it's somehow there. : P Must be the freckles.


And the goofy pose.^^ This kinda reminded me of one of those "OMG I'm finally meeting my idle! Quick act cool!". And then realizing later, you may have just made an embarrassment out of yourself.


We need more goofy Lilly my good sir. No matter the size!!!


It’s really cute


this is absolutely adorable. even the one with older lilly! it's definitely the freckles. it doesn't matter how huge your pecs are - if they've got freckles, they're cute.


Offset that freaky 10-foot chest measurement with the power. Of. Freckllllles!!!


Super cute!


I sometimes forget how short Lilly is and then I see her next to someone else and remember that she's 4 feet tall and 4 feet wide.


*ahem* She's 5 feet tall, thank you very much. Don't be shaving off precious inches! xD