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Apparently a bunch of you were into bootleg anime in the 90s and are secretly in your 40s. :P

So, you guys were largely fine with having a lot of options on the poll, and you're overwhelmingly both into games and anime.

The big shocker: You're most familiar with 90s anime (43%), then 00s (36%), then 10s (14%), and not familiar with contemporary at all (7%). Now I know why Genshin Impact characters or Jujutsu Kaisen characters, or other in-vogue characters get 1 or 0 votes so often. I'm kind of shocked on this result. To be honest, I thought the 90s would barely make a showing since anime barely got to the west by 1998. This is a decade of content that you largely have to search out after the fact because you were either a little kid watching Toonami like me, or you were a mega-weeb buying bootleg Sailor Moon VHS tapes in high school. I was expecting 00s, 10s, and contemporary...but you all have obviously grown out of watching anime, and have upgraded to funding doujinshi like real adults.  (I'm playing, I'm playing!)

New poll on the 5th will represent this skew. Mostly 90s, some 00s, maybe a couple 10s...and I'll put the most popular contemporary character I'm aware of on the list as a test. Even my 60 year old mom has seen this character, so I expect none of you to know them! lmao xD



I was very conflicted about 10s vs 00s, as I definitely got more into games in the 10s, but I didn't know anything about the anime listed there besides "oh I've heard of that", so I went with 00s