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The original Lilly drawing showed up in my DA feed on the pec bounce upload. The difference! xD 2017 vs 2021




It’s really good comparison


She's absolutely gigantic now. Her forearms are bigger than her thighs were in that 1st drawing! Apparently I had that old file save as "Shorty" too. She must not have had a name until I uploaded her.


Yeah. Now she’s really jacked I just love this character because she’s big, buff and a lot of muscle mass.


MAN she looks great. the difference in technique is astonishing and the difference in size is... kinda hilarious, honestly? i mean, she looks great, but also, good god woman, your thighs now are each bigger than your torso was!


Pfft, barrel thighs are a dime-a-dozen on bodybuilders. Now, chest-sized calves...that's the real feat. But seriously, I'm kinda shocked at how much muscle I can pack on her. OG Lilly wasn't small at all, but current Lilly is roughly the same height and like triple the mass. xD


ok, fair, fair. unlike every other character i've seen at her size, she actually has the calves to match! it's always so awkward when a character is so disproportionately built. chicken calves are such a turn off. that said, i'm pretty sure she wouldn't fit a single leg in the driver's seat of my car? which, again: it's fantastic, but also kiiinda hilarious.


I'm 100% certain she can't fit in a car properly. I tried drawing her in one before, and I had to ignore her legs and let an arm just hang out the window. Preeetty sure she'd need to sit in the back seat and have the driver move their chair forward a bit for her calves. ...although if I had to pick between a normal body and being built like her, I'd jump on the monster leg train in a heartbeat. : P


oh man, totally. i don't care how many cartons of raw eggs i'd have to wolf down in a day just to keep moving, i would kill to look like that! call me weird, but i kinda like the inconvenience of being *that* jacked. it sounds fun! and sexy! if someone doesn't wanna prevent a car from accelerating from a stop just by sitting their stupidly muscular ass in it, then i don't wanna know them.


lol Don't get me started on "overmuscled" fantasies. I've spent waaaaay too much time thinking about having that kind of build. xD I'll just skip the TMI erotica comments and let Lilly speak for my imagination.


oh god, same. i mean, it genuinely seems like it'd be fun to be overmuscled, but also, it's tooootally a kink thing that i don't get to talk to anyone ever about, so i feel you. look, when the VR revolution comes and we're all living in the matrix, i'm first in line to touch some lilly-sized thighs. i don't care whose they are, i just want to know what those things feel like.