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Alrighty, I'm 90% set, so here goes. First off, yes, my new pricing is a lot higher than before, but previously my pricing was so low that I could sell 100 pieces and literally only make as much as 1 minimum wage check...which was dumb as hell. Maybe appropriate for my skill back when I set those prices, but not reasonable anymore. My new pricing is meant to be competitive with other serious hobbyists/niche artists now, with common splits between half-body and full-body work.

To address the price increase though, I'm introducing YCH (Your Character Here) Commissions.  These are meant to cover basic/common poses at a few common builds at a lower cost since the foundational work is already done. Pick a piece from the catalog, and I'll fit your character to that body. By February, I intend to have 4 of these, but right now there's just two in my Bodybuilder and Mega sizes. The YCH selection is viewable through Dropbox here: 


or using the QR code on my Commission Sheet. I will also be releasing announcements showcasing any new YCH frames when they are added to the catalog.

New Patreon tiers for these commission types will be released in the evening on February 1st. I will also be opening for non-Patreon commissions at the same time for people that prefer to not use Patreon.

As for everyone not doing Commissions with me, don't worry. Nothing's changing for you, but if I can start doing better financially from art, there's definitely more side projects and content I'd like to commit time to in the future. Wishful thinking, but for now, everything's all good. ^_^

(Whaddya think of my logo?)




It’s looks beautiful and amazing ideas


great work!! i think the pricing is much more sensible than what you used to have. the logo is just adorable, too!


Thanks for sharing these before Feb, appreciated.


On the plus side, no one's telling me that I've lost my mind with this change, so... :D


I'm trying to make things smooth. I had some people help me with "beta testing", and I really tried to make sure there was some reasonable notice for the actual rollout. I don't want to seem super flaky, especially after the out-of-the-blue refund wave. -_-;