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 "Hee~ey! I can't believe you popped by the office! What's the occasion? C'mon, my lunch is in 5. Let's go grab something!"

Yes, I'm standing by my claim that Lilly is an accountant. She's good enough to not be on a bullpen floor and instead gets a fancy office on the floor where all the walls are semi-transparent glass instead of something cost-effective...like drywall. She may also have several pdfs from HR saved on her hard drive as proof that her clothing is exempt from dress code...and a couple hard copies. They just don't make dress pants or skirts for thighs like hers, ya know? Everything just tears when she walks.




I love the fact she is an accountant, she looks great on her work outfit.

Ehal Lorenz

If I worked where she works, I’d be there extra early and stay overtime