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Hey guys,

So, first up, thank you to everyone for your support so far. I'm writing this post because I've noticed that subs are down by like half this month, so I'm planning on making some changes to hopefully help with the cycle of people subbing and then leaving instantly. I've had some suggestions to change how to handle exclusives, and I think that going forward, exclusives will no longer be posted on Patreon to sit there in perpetuity. It's not fair that a new Patron can get everything from the last 12 months+ while others are paying every month. 

Starting this month, if your pledge processed for the month, I will send you a Dropbox link to the exclusive content via the Patreon messages.

For example: I upload the content on the August 20th. You get a message with the link. You don't subscribe for September. You can still download the content for August, but you don't get September's content. You re-pledge in October. You get October's content, but not September's.

Now, I know what you're thinking. "If I drop my pledge or can't sub that month, I might lose access to something I wanted forever! That's not fair!" Don't worry, enthusiastic Patron! I will set up a Gumroad account for the exclusive content as well, however, buying the content through Gumroad will cost more than Patreon. Again, I want to reward people for that are there month-after-month in a way that reflects their consistency and dedication. Patrons should never feel "stiffed", and I plan to address that.

I believe that this system will reward consistent pledges more for your continued support. I want to be fair to everyone, and also make sure that I can keep dedicating time to making more time-consuming projects than what you see on DA. 

Please leave a comment below with any thoughts you have about this, especially if you think this is a bad idea. Or if you think it's a good idea, I like positive reinforcement too. Gimme a cookie...I mean fudge. ^_^


Konotomo (Milkrules-sama)

Giving some fudge. Honestly, I love you and your work, but there is next to no incentive to be a Patreon in terms of interactivity or what we as fans get out of it. You used to have monthly commissions which became too much, so that doesnt seem like an option. But, maybe you should try different tiers again for voting on future projects or picking a character to draw? Or how big lol. Something that would draw out interactivity and encourage people to sign up, more than just withholding exclusives. A carrot, not a stick. Lilly growth comic from eating an entire In n Out when.


Okay, so you want more rewards. I could open up commissions again. Okay, so you want more rewards. I could open up commissions again. What made them unmanageable was people submitting their concepts super late in the month, like the 20th or later. I could restart those types of tiers with a hard deadline on when I will take the orders. "Snooze or lose" system to keep me from drowning. Past that, I tried to price my $5 Tier off of the most popular page, Pokkuti's Patreon. He only offers full resolution as his $5 reward (psd costs $10), so I figured a single exclusive, full resolution, and psd was competitive at $5. I guess not...^_^; At $100 per month, it's really hard to justify doing a comic every month. They take a lot of time, and I'm getting literally just spending change. Things almost ticked upward enough for me to justify larger projects, but the backing isn't there. I might need to evaluate how to incorporate larger projects or just make that a outside effort with a discount for Patrons.

Konotomo (Milkrules-sama)

But what about Lilly at In n Out? 🤔 Pokkuti is great. I personally never have a reason to look at his stuff because it's all commission based and widely available through furaffinity and whatnot. If commissions arent too difficult, definitely bring them back because they're a huge draw. Have it set as a use it or lose it with hard dates that work for you. A single tier to look at art isnt working for you man, and I really want you to get popular and get the backing you deserve because your art is unique, blown up, and fun.


Sounds fair. I've seen some artists have a tier set up specifically for access to past content. And then charge whatever you feel is fair for that tier.


I’m just gonna come out and say the idea to put exclusives behind a wall and force people who drop out for say, a month to pay extra via gumroad too see what they missed isn’t a good idea. I’d say better incentive would be stuff like monthly fan art polls, maybe sketch requests for middle tiers, commissions for higher tiers only (and limit the number of slots so you don’t get overwhelmed)


Thanks for all the feedback. I know it takes time to write this stuff up, so it means a lot. I cited Pokkuti because he's making $3000+ per month. He has very expensive tiers with rewards that aren't immediate at all (input on Forbidden Frontiers) and basically no exclusives, so I figured offering more than that at a lower price made sense. I'll probably open up commissions and maybe a poll tier to determine the exclusive content.


I've had people reach out to me and low-key brag about how they could get content for months without paying more than $5. They think it's nice; there's no ill-intent behind what they're doing, but It's absolutely not fair to you or the other patrons if you pay $30 for 6 exclusives and one guy ducks in and pays $5 for 6. If more incentives are needed, I'll try that route in parallel. Exclusives saved this Patreon in the first place, so I'm not willing to say that exclusivity is a bad idea. Extremely large Patreons like Sakimichan deal with this kind of timed exclusivity on a bi-monthly split at $3 a pop. Obviously I can't match that because I don't have 7000+ patrons, but I think it would be better to do it with a timer. Maybe a tier that lets you request a missed time period in addition to the current month's rewards would work?

Konotomo (Milkrules-sama)

Pokkuti is great at what he does, lol. He definitely has one of the more successful practices. A lot of it is from his multi-page comics, injection of fun in with the muscle growth and just overall good art. I think producing some diversity in your selection, and maybe positioning yourself more towards those comics which take more work and are slower to come, could be beneficial. I love your stuff man and want to see you able to afford all the fudge.


Is it okay if I put you on the spot? Do you think there's a quality issue? I know I'm no Pokkuti, and I know quality has been a problem in the past, but is it still a problem? ^_^;

Konotomo (Milkrules-sama)

I still feel like you have the "same face issue" that I pointed out 6 or 8 months ago. Your art has been rapidly improving elsewhere over the last year and a half that I've followed you however, and I really want to see you succeed, which is why you're one of the few people I throw money at. Pokkuti has a really clean looking style that also translates well into furry artwork, which is if anything a majority of the muscle growth and hyper muscle crowd. You don't draw any furry stuff, honestly, I think that's the bigger issue.


lol That's a lot to unpack. ^_^; I really thought I was over the same face thing, even just going back through to my drawing of Momo and comparing all the drawings since then I thought everyone had a different face. And I guess my style still needs work then? It's not distinct/refined enough to really compete? I'm not into fur, so...yeah. I don't think I necessarily need that to excel, but if what I do draw isn't that great, that's an issue.

Konotomo (Milkrules-sama)

To be more honest than you probably want me to be. If you look at your last three pictures. Tifa, Lilly, and the Fire Force girl all have incredibly similar faces in terms of their design in shape, eyes, nose. There are slight differences, but it looks almost like Lilly is cosplaying as those characters versus them being the characters. Morrigan doesnt have the same problem in the pic she is in, being blonde probably helps that. I'm sorry, it's a problem I'm still seeing, at least for similar brunette/black haired characters. As for my comment regarding style, Pokkuti has a really clean style that edges on professional, and is just overall refined with clean lines, and really great shading. I dont think anything will come out of comparing yourself however because a lot of his popularity comes from his futa work and his furry work, which immediately grows the reach of his audience. As for your style, you know I love it. The girls you draw are huge, your muscles look big and full and I love it. It is constantly improving and I love it and I love your improvement and I love your work and your OC's. Your mini Lilly comics or where you're having her interact with others are the best.


And its not fair for you, the artist, when people get a year worth of exclusive for 5 dollars.


This is the comment that makes me go "Woah, I'm dumb as hell." I actually didn't think of it that way. That makes it sound even worse! xD


This sound fair and I've seen other patreons use a similar system. As other patrons have suggested, it could be a good idea to have a tier for people who want to see the past content.