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We've got a brand new Friendimension coming to you eventually, but we held it off a couple days because it's ChristmasCast related (and we wanted to wait until after that was released on YouTube). In the meantime, enjoy a brand new Movie Club!

Years ago, the whole Mega64 crew got together to watch the 4th Matrix movie, but broke for the holidays before they could ever review it together on a podcast. Two years later, we make good on our silent treatment and FINALLY deliver our reviews to our loyal patrons. I wonder what Rocco and Shawn thought of it???? Any guesses????

Next week's episode is SCROOGED.


Mega64 Movie Club: The Matrix Resurrections

Years ago, the whole Mega64 crew got together to watch the 4th Matrix movie, but broke for the holidays before they could ever review it together on a podcast. Two years later, we make good on our silent treatment and FINALLY deliver our reviews to our loyal patrons. I wonder what Rocco and Shawn thought of it???? Any guesses????



I don't know what Rocco was thinking showing this to Shawn again. I'm on Roccos side in thinking it's a great tho.


With Rocco on this forever