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Welcome to Shawn's Record Club, where we dive deep into the world of music and dissect some of the greatest albums of all time. In this episode, Shawn is joined by the incredible Garrett Hunter, and together they take on the monumental task of discussing the number 20 album of all time, "Kid A" by Radiohead. 


Mega64 Record Club Ep. 17 - Radiohead - Kid A (#20)

Welcome to Shawn's Record Club, where we dive deep into the world of music and dissect some of the greatest albums of all time. In this episode, Shawn is joined by the incredible Garrett Hunter, and together they take on the monumental task of discussing the number 20 album of all time, "Kid A" by Radiohead.



shawn is right, you don't pronounce the 'h'

☠ 𝐯𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞_𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 ☠

Treefingers? 🤮 Salad Fingers. 😍 💿💿💿💿/𝟓 The Bends blows this album out of the water in my opinion; my heart connects to humanity, not technology. Hard to care too much about an album when the lead singer admits none of the lyrics matter and didn't even want the listener to pay attention to them. The making of this album is cool and the first three tracks are all-timers but it's not their best, idfc.

Paul LoBue

Good album but it’s so pretentious to put this over ok computer imo. Love National Anthem though. Gives me big Dust Brothers vibes. 3.5 pieces of vinyl. Stoked to see what you think of Giant Steps next week. That’s definitely one of my favorite jazz records of all time.


please have garrett back for coltrane!!!! record club is best with two peeps!


I'm about a decade younger than you guys so that's definitely a factor. But my Radiohead album is In Rainbows. Every track on that one is a 10 for me. Kid A I have respect for as a really bold move, but I also don't think Radiohead was wrong to backpedal a bit on some of the abstract electronicness as they moved into the 2000s, and get back to being a more guitar focused band, writing more songs with hooks, etc. I'm with Garrett that How to Disappear is the best track. Absolutely beautiful song.

Andy Tuttle

Man, Kid A was a revelation for me when I first heard it around 2001 or 2002. I was in college and totally open to new music after almost a decade of grunge and punk on my stereo. I picked up, funny enough, Talking Heads "Stop Making Sense", Public Enemy "Fear of a Black Planet", and Radiohead "Kid A". All three opened my eyes to sounds and concepts I had never thought about before and helped shape my adult life in really meaningful ways. Great album, great band, I'm so happy I found it when I did. I agree with Shawn, the top songs are really, REALLY, subjective. It's hard to accept them as anything more than a kind of "good songs" list. That Robyn song is alright, but I could probably find 500 songs in my own personal iTunes library that I like more, including all ten songs on Kid A.


best Radiohead discussion on the net


The way strong emotions can form from such seemingly abstract songs in this album perhaps takes a few more listens but it feels more rewarding and hits different I feel. Love the album and great episode. The follow up album, Amnesiac, released a year later is slightly weaker but has the song ‘Pyramid Song’ which I think is the best song of the two albums and perhaps the best ever Radiohead song.


I love that the album discussion ended with the most “Garrett Story” ever lol


Kid A being the 20th “greatest album of all time” makes me question the validity of this entire list. Ok Computer all day


Why are you guys sitting so far apart?


2 bros chillin on a podcast 5 feet apart cause they're not gay

Tyler Lajevardi

It's been like ten years since I listened to Kid A. I remember it being so much more depressing; not that it isn't sad, it's just got way more grooviness than I remember. I really dig this. 4.5/5 pieces for me. No comment on ok computer vs kid a. I haven't listened to ok computer in forever either lol


I love Kid A and really enjoyed this episode and the discussion between you and Garrett. Keep up the great work you guys!