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The polar ice caps are melting! Oceans rising! The world destroyed! YES! All great news, because that means Rocco and Shawn are talking about the expensive disaster called WATERWORLD. Sure it was an expensive flop, but does that mean they didn't love watching it?

Next week's movie is THE UNTOUCHABLES.


Mega64 Movie Club: Waterworld

The polar ice caps are melting! Oceans rising! The world destroyed! YES! All great news, because that means Rocco and Shawn are talking about the expensive disaster called WATERWORLD. Sure it was an expensive flop, but does that mean they didn't love watching it?


Shane Dohn

Shawn is being just being humble when he says he’s a bad actor, he was great in the Lord of the Rings movies.


Curious if like mentioned in the Livestream, will you guys be uploading the RAW video files from the Subway Mukbang to let the fans do edits & make their own variations?


Where the heck is Derek? He was an important part.

Blake R.

Just want to say I genuinely appreciate you guys giving this one its fair shake even if i'd hoped you'd dig it a little more. It's one of my favorite practical effects movies and I've always been a champion for it and that it maybe came out in the wrong era. I feel like had it been released now, factions of social media and film twitter would have eaten it up. the story problems are undeniable, but the scene setting and dedication to the environment just works for me so completely to the degree some of the weaker dialogue is forgiven. I love how epic and pulpy it feels. I know the filming on water was by all means a disaster, but damn am I a sucker for all those action shots where it's clear, yeah, they're right in the middle of the fucking ocean. I have that same Arrow blu ray of the movie that includes The Ulysses Cut and it's one of my favorite pieces of home media I own. the amount of features it has (and that it even includes the aforementioned cut) almost feels like it shouldn't exist. I do think it improves upon the film and makes it feel more complete; especially with the added scenes of The Smokers as you realize they're on borrowed time with resources running out in their excess and they only want to find dry land so they can deplete it just as quickly- something that's aged very well. it doesn't reach the storytelling heights of something like Fury Road, but from an action setpiece standpoint, I think it comes damn close. would kill to see this on a big screen someday. Also, as for the question of where the name 'Ulysses cut' came from, at the end of that edited version, Helen gives the Mariner a name as her gift to him. He nods at her and says "it's a good name". It's corny, but I think it's effective. A sweet final interaction between the two of them and a name that suggests an explorer who will eventually find his way home in a weary sea.

Colton Reeder

Shawn's reasoning for watching Waterworld on the plane is the same for me with Pulp Fiction.


Sorry guys, Derrick bought the farm.


Loving the new cast.