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The ninth episode of Shawn's Record Club show is here!   Shawn is jumping to a random album in the "500 Greatest Albums Of All Time" book that Rolling Stone put together. Today he's landed on the ANOTHER anthology #325 Jerry Lee Lewis - All Killer No Filler. Did he like it a much as the last anthology? Gotta watch to find out.


Mega64 Record Club Ep. 9 -Jerry Lee Lewis - All Killer No Filler (#325)

The ninth episode of Shawn's Record Club show is here! Shawn is jumping to a random album in the "500 Greatest Albums Of All Time" book that Rolling Stone put together. Today he's landed on the ANOTHER anthology #325 Jerry Lee Lewis - All Killer No Filler. Did he like it a much as the last anthology? Gotta watch to find out.


☠ 𝐯𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞_𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 ☠

I couldn't dedicate 10 minutes, let alone 2+ hours of my life to an incestuous pedophile's anthology. Very nice that he was redeemed though and given his deserved spot on this list! Rolling Stone fucking blows lmao... [Great video though! I loved hearing Shawn talking about this nutcase.]

Tyler Lajevardi

40 plus tracks of this was too damn much. I get that Jerry Lee was a pioneer in rock and roll and country music, but Holy shit man. Two hours of the same shit over and over. This could have been cut to 20 songs. Better yet, Rolling stones should have put Sum 41's All Killer No Filler in this spot instead. Solid 1/5 pieces of vinyl. Edit: oh yea, and he's a pedophile.

Paul LoBue

Half of the songs on this “album” are about this guy cheating on his 13 year old wife/cousin lmao. 1/5 pieces of vinyl and even that’s generous. This guy is Dollar Tree Elvis and he sucks shit


Great job using reverse psychology to get out of the 320s. Maybe next week you will get out of the 300s.

Michael House

I listened to 3 songs and said "that's enough I get it" and went back and relistened to Los Angeles by X. This is the only one on record club Ive done this with. Love record club though. It's getting me to listen to stuff I wouldn't usually listen to.


Agree with Michael above. I really liked Still Bill and Los Angeles, but I couldn't get through this one.


Amazing almost everyone agreed with Shawn about this one. Tried giving a listen for half an hour and went "Fuck this!" and turned it back to "Standing Outside a Broken Phone Booth with Money in My Hand"

Andy Tuttle

Getting through this album was fucking TORTURE. In fact, I gave up before it was over because I could not stand his country songs, plus the fact that he's an absolute piece of dog shit. Fuck this album, fuck Jerry Lee Lewis, and fuck Rolling Stone for putting this on their list.

Andy Tuttle

I've had Roxy Music on regular rotation in my car, I loved that album.