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You may be shocked as you scroll by this new Movie Club episode. You may think to yourself- "Wow, that thumbnail image... I've NEVER seen that image before." Yes, a common reaction to seeing anything for the very first time (ever). But look past the image and see it for what it really is- a new, reflective, introspective episode of Movie Club where we watch The Whale and peel back what we think is really going on with its characters.

Next week's episode is A LEAGUE OF THEIR OWN.


Mega64 Movie Club: The Whale

You may be shocked as you scroll by this new Movie Club episode. You may think to yourself- "Wow, that thumbnail image... I've NEVER seen that image before." Yes, a common reaction to seeing anything for the very first time (ever). But look past the image and see it for what it really is- a new, reflective, introspective episode of Movie Club where we watch The Whale and peel back what we think is really going on with its characters.



You do see the pizza guy near the end and it turns out that he's not really that good of a person


Whoa that’s a weird thumbnail. Never seen that before in my life.


Yo great episode!!


How haven't I seen that frame from the movie before? That looks incredible, I gotta watch this.


Great points by Derrick

Austin Ryder

I know you guys weren’t crazy about Ari Aster’s last two movies, but y’all should REALLY check out his new movie Beau is Afraid for movie club. It’s way more of a (very) dark comedy, left me feeling the same way I did after watching Mulholland Drive (in that I wanted to process and discuss it) and it’s audacious and creative and divisive and out there which is more than most new movies right now can say. If you can, see it in IMAX when you still have a chance!! some of the blocking in the city scenes even reminded me of a mega64 bit at some points


If Rocco doesn't start the next movie club with " There's no crying in Movie Club" I'll be very disappointed.