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The fifth episode of Shawn's Record Club show is here. He's jumping to a random album in the "500 Greatest Albums Of All Time" book that Rolling Stone put together. Album #336 Roxy Music - Avalon


Mega64 Record Club Ep. 5 - Roxy Music - Avalon (#336)

The fifth episode of Shawn's Record Club show is here. He's jumping to a random album in the "500 Greatest Albums Of All Time" book that Rolling Stone put together. Album #336 Roxy Music - Avalon


☠ 𝐯𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞_𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 ☠

Nice being synced with Shawn on this one :3 I think I even called this album "homework" on the last comment section lol I've been singing More Than This for a week straight, non-stop, the rest of the album is mostly forgettable. Not bad at all. Just... nothing lol. I had high hopes from the intro but it never came close to recapturing my excitement. 4.9/10


Maybe each week's random number should be from a different range? Week 1: 1-100, Week 2: 101-200, Week 3: 201-300, Week 4: 301-400, Week 5: 401-500 and then it repeats. That way you get a nice variance. This is my favorite Patreon series. Keep it up Shawn!


Random number generator definitely not playing fair! #NotMyGenerator


It's very funny how different music tastes can be because most people seem to think this is a very middling album but it's by far my favorite that I've listened to for this podcast


You’re not alone, I’m with you there. I’m a sucker for 80’s & 90’s soft, minimalist pop.


Just throwing it out there that I love The Supremes, but I'm not sure how I feel about Rolling Stone's inclusion of compilations on a list like this.


I hope Shawn isn't gonna waste days just replaying the album and listen to some songs he likes in it, I love some diana ross but the time of this album is heavy on the day.


Loving the series so far! I'm getting at least one new song for my playlist from each album. I liked this album a lot, I especially really love the very ending of India, it's such a simple quick little jam but I get caught on it so hard!


Reminds me so much of south park


Oh shit I listened to the wrong album. You guys should listen to their self titled album from 72 that shit is good


It is kind of weird to me too — but apparently there are several. I think it’s how they account for the artists who were more singles oriented.


Rock on! Love the 80s

Neil Steffens

The RNG gods are not happy with the skip, my friend. You will be punished.

Ken Vaughn

You mentioned that the song More Than This sounded like it was from a soundtrack. Maybe you are thinking of Lost in Translation? Bill Murray sang it during the karaoke scene.


Shawn and I cannot be more opposite. I don't particularly listen to a lot of 80s music but I LOVE Roxy Music. I think Country Life is their best album but this one is their Metallica - Black Album so to speak.

Yves McCrae

I've really enjoyed every album up until this one. I was thinking it would be fun to slowly try and collect every album on the top 500 as we go through them but now I'm not sure I'll get EVERY one.

Andy Tuttle

Strong disagree, Avalon is by far the best album I've listened to out of the series so far. The first three tracks are the strongest, in my opinion, and it does sort of meander in the middle before ending strong. There's a melancholy feeling to the album but it's also strangely uplifting. I found that I enjoyed the album more if I was sad or let down, particularly as I drove home after the last two Padres games against the Braves. Bryan Ferry's voice along with that kind of smooth, jazzy vibe the instrumental tracks give helped me to decompress and relax. Great album, is now an all time favorite.


Shawn I agree this able was a chore to get through. I barely did once I don’t know how you did it 10 times. Shows you are putting in the work. Love the show!