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We're running a little behind on new Friendimension episodes because we're split up with PAX East going on- stay tuned on that coming up! But we thought we would give you new Movie Club early in the meantime!

Hey, have you guys played Metal Gear? Cool, then you've pretty much already seen ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK, where every video game idea was lifted from. But is there more to it than that? Watch as we dive into another John Carpenter movie we hadn't seen yet and see what it's all about!

Next week's movie is PORTRAIT OF A LADY ON FIRE.


Mega64 Movie Club: Escape From New York

Hey, have you guys played Metal Gear? Cool, then you've pretty much already seen ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK, where every video game idea was lifted from. But is there more to it than that? Watch as we dive into another John Carpenter movie we hadn't seen yet and see what it's all about!


Blake R.

I saw this for the first time in February and I still get 'everybody's moving to New York' stuck in my head every now and then. would have loved to see more of the criminal Broadway scene.