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Everything is going to get worse. TONS of microtransactions incoming.

Just kidding! 

We are making some upcoming changes to the Mega64 Patreon Tier 1. This place, for us, has flourished into something we truly enjoy and want to further make the most of. When we first started out here, we didn't really know what to do or how to use it best. But over the years, it's become a genuinely enjoyable place for us to do more niche shows, release stuff that wouldn't have a comfortable home elsewhere, and much more. So to that end, our first thing we should say is THANK YOU! A huge thanks for continuing to show support here and stick around to see what we do.

We have been increasing our output here more and more over recent months: 

  • Friendimension and Movie Club have both seen their most successful AND lengthiest episodes yet. This will continue weekly in 2023!
  • We are massively upping the amount of regular "Mega64 Vault" video releases.
  • Shawn has a new album review series coming to the Patreon very soon!

And all that is the tip of the iceberg- So of course, we want to continue making stuff like this (and using your support for bigger projects as always, too!). To continue doing that going forward, we are changing the price of our Tier 1 option.

We have to say upfront that we have resisted raising the price of ANY of our tiers... and we haven't for YEARS. We have always been obsessed (maybe to a fault) with making sure everyone gets their money's worth at Mega64. 

Starting March 1 2023, the NEW Tier 1 (featuring all the new stuff we mentioned above) will be $5 a month. If you're already on the current Tier 1, you will need to move over to the new one by the end of February to continue seeing all the exclusive media. This new amount is basically the default for most Patreons now (which, again, we still resisted as long as possible), and most Patreons don't even offer the amount of stuff we do on a monthly basis. As much as we balk anytime we have to raise the price, we definitely think we are providing a worthwhile project here to earn the extra $3.

And let us be even more frank- you don't need us to be the thousandth person/company/entity/whatever to tell you that the cost of everything has gone up. It's affected everybody- and yeah, that includes our company. Everyone has had to adjust or make changes, and we obviously are too. But we didn't want to budge a thing until we were confident you would get a monthly experience everyone could be proud of. We really like what we're doing, and we hope you enjoy experiencing it just as much.

Tier 2 and 3 are currently not changing- any changes in the near future will be announced here first just like this. We're still catching up on the physical gifts from during the major manufacturing slowdowns, but the good news is that a lot of that has subsided and is coming out much faster now. All the remaining packages that need to go out will be doing so soon, and we'll be totally caught up!

We hope you can understand our decisions here- as always we want to be as candid and honest as possible with you guys. We like when you are with us too. Please let us know anything else you would like to see more (or less) of on our Patreon!

Once again: THANK YOU!




Movie club alone is enough, thanks for everything y’all do!


I was frustrated at first but when I think how much value I get it’s totally worth it. So thanks.


Honestly we've been getting away with grand larceny until now. Looks like the jig is up and balance must be restored. Thank you for giving so much for so little for as long as you have. I'll gladly continue my soob at the higher price.


Looking forward to Shawn’s album review series, that sounds awesome. $1 was a bargain, for anyone who enjoys what you do I think $5 is more than reasonable. Especially if there’s new recurring things in the pipeline.


Mega64 is my main source of entertainment weekly and it looks like that will continue! Looking forward to more, excited to see Shawn become the leading music reviewer on the internet


This sucks


Honestly another price hike is so annoying IMO I'm sorry but I only watch the movie reviews and don't really watch the other stuff that much


I appreciate the way you're addressing the situation - it sucks, but the quality and frequency of output has been incredible at the current tier 1 price point. With Shawn starting his Rolling Stone odyssey, among other ongoing projects, I'm confident the $5 will be worth it. I realize Mega Strange is on its own trajectory, but perhaps there's room for some extra content on Patreon, too. Glad to continue supporting Mega64.


Understandable given the circumstances and honestly your latest Friendimensions featuring board games together with running a bit longer (near an hour is perfect imo) make this a good deal for the price.


im not happy with this. sucker punch to the fans. why not increase the higher tiers instead of kicking those at the bottom.


On the podcast Rocco explained that the cut Patreon takes has gone up which makes it not viable for anyone to have a tier that low on here unfortunately. That’s y they can afford to keep the other tiers the same


I'll see you guys when I'll start make'n (more) money


I think a patron only livestream where y'all take calls would be a cool new thing that might incentivize people to jump back on. Also uploading the twitch preshows to here would be nice too, I'm subbed on twitch but I can't make it to every live show.